WHY Tryout


Students have the opportunity to travel internationally to case competitions, gain exposure to global business, and make connections with students from other universities


MCT is a supportive community and team of driven students who are committed to one another through their personal, academic, and professional development. Members spend time together in both a casing and social environment.


Members have the opportunity to hone their analytical, problem solving, technical, and communication skills through presentations and receive feedback on their performance.


Members receive active mentorship from faculty, older students, and alumni in all aspects of their time at USC. We believe in the importance of fostering and supporting the brightest talent that USC has to offer and are committed to the success of our members


Our current members and alumni have found professional success in internship placements and post-graduation in consulting, finance, and corporate role (see where our alumni have worked after graduation here). MCT cultivates the characteristics that employers are looking for and members receive extensive support through the recruitment process.


MCT boasts a large and well-connected alumni network who have achieved success in a wide range of industries. Our alumni play an active part in driving the success of our organization by providing mentorship and feedback to students.